Crafts: These cards were made through a printmaking process called linocut. Students carved and printed 10 identical handmade cards. They look awesome!
ART501A - Visual Arts - Intermediate Open - Grade 11
This course is designed as an intermediate art course and builds on the concepts learned in ART401. The emphasis in this course is on the expansion of drawing skills, color and the techniques and styles of painting. A $20.00 lab fee will be charged for this course.
Tayler | John | Naybu |
Annabelle | Madison | Premika |
LeeAnne | Kenzie | Alex |
Tristan | Lorena | Hope |
Makayla | Jayne | Ben |
Kendol | Sarah | Edna |
Hannah | Ana |
CAR701X - Crafts Open - Grade 10 -11
This course is designed to introduce students to the broad field of visual arts. It assists students to develop an appreciation for self-expression through the various media experienced in this course. This will include introductory pottery, leather work, print making, as well as the areas of carving, textile design, paperwork, stain glass and fabrics. Students will be exposed to a wide variety of materials, have the opportunity to create and to communicate in these media, learn to appreciate each other's distinct creativity and initiative, develop specific skills in these visual arts, explore career opportunities in this field. This is an excellent introductory course for students who wish to become familiar with and to experience the joy and energy of these art forms.
This course will have a $20.00 lab fee.